Hey, teams! As you know from Spontaneous practice, we have to be prepared for the unexpected. While we were hoping to host all our Illinois teams at an in-person competition this year, we know that many schools and teams are unable to send teams to compete in-person...and that is okay! We prioritize your health and well-being over everything else, which is why we are providing your team the opportunity to submit its solution virtually!
IMPORTANT: Your team can choose to compete virtually OR in-person in Illinois this year, but if you opt for the latter and we are unable to hold our tournament for safety reasons, you will need to submit a virtual solution. For that reason, we encourage all our in-person teams to (safely) record their solutions just in case.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIRTUAL SUBMISSION: Teams should submit 1) a video that contains the Long-Term solution; the video must adhere to the 8-minute time limit in the team's problem and cannot be edited (i.e., it must be a continuous 8-minute video), 2) a video of the team discussing its scored components; this video can be up to 5 minutes in length and can be edited. If the team would like to include supplemental information - backdrop photos, prop pictures, etc. - that conveys to the judges all the details of its solution, this is okay! Just know that any scored elements (e.g., breaking a structure in Problem 4; completing tasks with a vehicle in Problem 1) must be included in the 8-minute Long-Term video only (those are the only executions that will count for score). When you are ready, you will upload those documents/files to the Dropbox link below. Be sure to include your team's name, problem, and division in your file names so we can link them all together for scoring feedback! For example:
Long-Term Solution: SpringdealeElementary_ClassicsAessopGoneViral_DivII_Long-TermVideo
Extra Video (5-minutes): SpringdaleElementary_ClassicsAesopGoneViral_DivII_ExtraVideo
Script: SpringdaleElementary_ClassicsAesopGoneViral_DivII_Script
Backdrop Mockup: SpringdaleElementary_ClassicsAesopGoneViral_DivII_Backdrop
Character 1: SpringdaleElementary_ClassicsAesopGoneViral_DivII_Character1
Character 2: SpringdaleElementary_ClassicsAesopGoneViral_DivII_Character2
Character 3 (Style element): SpringdaleElementary_ClassicsAesopGoneViral_DivII_Character3
You can click on those links and see a few examples of what you might submit.
And please don't forget to submit your required forms (i.e. Style, Materials Value, Outside Assistance), as well! You can access copies here (and type up and submit your problem-specific required list).
Whenever you are ready to submit your work, upload it at the Dropbox link below by March 11, 20222!
Ready to submit your solution files?
Click HERE to upload your documents and media files!