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LAST UPDATED: September 13, 2024

Check this page for important dates, deadlines, and tournament schedules throughout the year. You'll be glad you did!

• Illinois Coaches' Training  //  now available online!
-Coach training has caught up to the 21st century!
-Click here to access the Illinois Odyssey of the Mind Coaches' Training video!

• Illinois Judge/Volunteer Training  //  to be posted online this winter!
-Judge training has *ALSO* caught up to the 21st century!
-Volunteers no longer have to drive to complete a training - you can do it from home!
-Registered judges will receive an email with instructions a few weeks before competition.

-Click here to register as a volunteer/judge

• Illinois Competition Registration Due  //  Friday, February 14, 2025
-All teams wishing to compete at the Illinois tournament must register
-Click here to register ($100 if on or before Jan. 31, $125 thereafter)

• Illinois Regional Tournaments //  Saturday, March 8, 2025 (northern) OR TBD (southern)
-Teams will complete at one regional tournament (Belleville or Chicago) based on their location:

  • Northern Region: March 8, 2025, at Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, Illinois

  • Souther Region: Date TBD, at Central Junior High School in Belleville, Illinois

-Competition schedules to be posted closer to the competition dates


Illinois State Tournament //  April 2025

- The 1st and 2nd place teams from the regional competitions vie to represent Illinois at the OM World Finals

• Illinois Pin/Shirt Re-Orders Due  //  Friday, April 18, 2025
-Click here to access the Shirt & Pin Online Store
-NOTE: Pin and shirt orders for World Finals 2025 due by April 18
             (For faster processing and shipping, please send one order for
             an entire team or group)

• Odyssey of the Mind World Finals  //  May 21-24, 2025
-Location: Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan
-Details to be posted at
Odyssey of the Mind HQ!

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